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  • 03 FitrusPlus How much does the electric current used for the measurement of the body fat affect our health?
  • It uses a very low electric current of 50 kHz, about 150uA or less, so even children and the elderly cannot feel it during measurement.
    If you do feel any discomfort, please stop using it.

  • 02 FitrusPlus Can anyone else measure it?
  • The guest measurement feature allows anyone to easily perform measurements using one device.
    However, guest measurement data may not be recorded in the App.
    In addition, anyone can sign up for membership through the Fitrus App and share the same device together.

  • 01 FitrusPlus Is there a feature that can perform measurements directly from the device?
  • Press the touch sensor on the front of the device for 3 seconds to activate the temperature measurement feature.
    Select between skin temperature and surface temperature through the touch sensor, and then press the power button to begin measurement.
    Pressing the touch sensor again for 3 seconds inactivates the temperature measurement feature.